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Music Centre Memberships 2024/25

Music Centre Memberships 2024/25

Music Centre Memberships 2024/25

Music Centre Membership 2024-2025 - Semester 1

Music Centre Membership 2024-2025 - Semester 1


Music Centre Memberships 2024/25 - Semester 1 from 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2024 


Standard - Membership for members of the public, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities for Semester 1 only

Student - Membership for students, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities for Semester 1 only

Child - Membership for children under 18, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities for Semester 1 only

Concession/Staff - Membership for any concession or member of staff, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities for Semester 1 only



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Music Centre membership 2024-2025: full year

Music Centre membership 2024-2025: full year


Music Centre membership from 01.09/24 - 31/08/25


Standard - Membership for members of the public, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities

Student - Membership for matriculated students, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities

Child - Music Centre membership from 01/09/24 until 31/08/25: Child under 18

Concession/Staff - Membership for any concession or member of staff, giving access to all Laidlaw Music Centre facilities

Basic (Lessons Only) - Membership for anyone only having lessons at the Music Centre, not making use of any other services or facilities.

Laidlaw Concert Circle - Free admission to Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime concerts, member prices on other concerts, invitations to special events



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