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Music Centre Tuition Fees 2024/25

Music Centre Tuition Fees 2024/25

Music Centre Tuition Fees 2024/25

Music Tuition 2024-2025 Semester 2

Music Tuition 2024-2025 Semester 2


Music tuition fees for Semester 2, 2024-2025 (January - April 2025)



11 x 30 Minute Lessons @£21.25 - This product is for people who wish to purchase the standard block of 11 x 30 minute lessons for this semester.  All buyers must also be Music Centre members for the current academic year.  Students who have started part-way through the semester, or who have agreed to pay for a different number of lessons, should use the option to pay for single lessons.

11 x 60 Minute Lessons @£42.50 - This product is for people who wish to purchase the standard block of 11 x 60 minute lessons for this semester.  All buyers must also be Music Centre members for the current academic year.  Students who have started part-way through the semester, or who have agreed to pay for a different number of lessons, should use the option to pay for single lessons.



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Laidlaw Music Centre

Music Tuition 2024-25 Single Lesson



Music tuition fees 2024-2025, for 1 x 30-minute lesson @£21.25 (September 2024 - April 2025)


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